26 Solopreneur Business Ideas and Examples to Start On

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Did you know that over 50% of the workforce is expected to be freelancers by 2027?

This highlights a significant shift towards independent work. And more individuals are seeking the flexibility and control that solopreneurship offers.

But who's a solopreneur? A solopreneur is an entrepreneur who runs a business without employees.

If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming your own boss and turning your skills into a thriving business, then you should be a solopreneur!

But with so many possibilities and advantages, where do you begin? And what does it take to succeed?

EdytAI has you covered. We are part of a SAAS product group that serves solopreneurs. This post will cover sound solopreneur business ideas and examples. We have categorized these ideas into five emerging trends and sectors.

We also have prepared some examples of solopreneurs: Justin welsh and Dan koe at the bottom of this blog.

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1. Digital & Creative Services Business Ideas

Solopreneur IdeaDescriptionReal-World Example
Software as a serviceProvide your software product as a serviceSee examples from Indiehackers.com
Content creationCreate engaging content across various platformsMr. Beast - Visit his channel on YouTube
Developing personal digital productsCreate and sell digital products focused on personal developmentDan Koe - Known for integrating personal development with digital strategyHe creates impactful content and digital products
Web design and developmentDesign and develop websites for businesses and individualsMike Janda - A freelance web designer sharing insights and tips for other designers
Graphic design servicesOffer graphic design for digital and print media.Aaron Draplin - Founder of Draplin Design Co., known for his graphic design work
Video productionCreate videos for promotional, educational, or entertainment purposesPeter McKinnon - Known for his videography tutorials and vlogs on YouTube
PhotographyOffer professional photography services or sell photographs onlineBrandon Stanton - Creator of "Humans of New York," a successful photoblog and book series

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2. E-Commerce & Product Sales Business Ideas

Solopreneur IdeaDescriptionReal-World Example
Eco-friendly productsSell sustainable and eco-conscious products onlinePackage Free Shop by Lauren SingerThe shop sells various zero-waste and sustainable products
E-commerce storeRun an online store focusing on specific nichesBeardbrand by Eric Bandholz - Started as a blog and evolved into an online store focusing on beard care products
Handmade crafts sellerCreate and sell handmade crafts or unique products onlineThreeBirdNest by Alicia Shaffer - An Etsy store that became highly successful by selling handmade clothing and accessories
Online bakery or food businessSell baked goods or specialty foods onlineBakerella by Angie Dudley - Known for popularizing cake pops through her blog
Specialty subscription boxCurate and sell subscription boxes focused on a specific themeBirchbox - Initially started with delivering personalized beauty product samples to subscribers

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3. Education & Coaching Business Ideas

Solopreneur IdeaDescriptionReal-World Example
Online business coachingProvide coaching on building successful online businessesJustin Welsh - An expert in creating and scaling online businesses, focusing on content creation
Online tutoringProvide online learning assistance and tutoringBelinda Flournoy - An online STEAM tutor
Online course creationCreate and sell online courses in a specific nicheRob Percival - A web developer who created successful coding courses on Udemy
Health and wellness coachingOffer online coaching in health, nutrition, and fitnessDan Go - A health and wellness expert providing online coaching
Personal finance advisingProvide online advice and planning for personal financeRamit Sethi - Founder of "I Will Teach You To Be Rich," offering personal finance advice
Life coachingHelp individuals achieve personal and professional goalsTony Robbins - Well-known for personal development coaching

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4. Marketing & Consulting Business Ideas

Solopreneur IdeaDescriptionReal-World Example
Social media consultingOffer social media strategy and management servicesRachel Pedersen - Known as the "Queen of Social Media"
SEO consultingProvide search engine optimization servicesBrian Dean - Founder of Backlinko, offering SEO courses and consulting
Digital marketing freelancingOffer digital marketing services like SEO, and PPCNeil Patel - Co-founder of Neil Patel Digital, offering digital marketing services
AI consultingProvide AI-based consulting services to businessesJana Eggers - CEO of Nara Logics offering AI consulting services
IT consultingOffer IT and technology consulting servicesNick Balletta - CEO of TalkPoint, specializing in webcasting services

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5. Personalized Services & Planning Business Ideas

Solopreneur IdeaDescriptionReal-World Example
Virtual event planningOrganize online events, conferences, and meetingsHopin - An online event platform facilitating engagement in a digital environment
Freelance writingWrite articles, blogs, or content for businessesElna Cain - A freelance writer providing high-quality content online
Virtual assistanceProvide administrative and business support services remotelyGina Horkey - Founder of Horkey HandBook, a resource for virtual assistants
Bookkeeping servicesOffer remote bookkeeping services to businessesBench by Ian Crosby, a leading online bookkeeping service for small businesses
Travel planningProvide customized travel planning and advice services onlineGoing by Scott Keyes - Founder of Scott's Cheap Flights, helping others save on travel

Some of the products and services covered in the above sections are now run by teams. But they did start finding success with a solo founder.

Journeys of Some Successful Solopreneurs

Exploring Justin Welsh's Solopreneur Journey. Who is He?

Justin Welsh LinkedIn profile_

Justin Welsh is an online business coach and mentor.

Justin's move from the corporate world to solopreneurship resulted from his belief in the power of building an online audience. Recognizing the value and potential of online attention, he began cultivating his brand on LinkedIn in early 2019.

In his first six months, he had over 20,000 followers, showcasing the effectiveness of his strategy.

In August 2019, Justin made the bold decision to leave his executive role to focus on building one-person internet businesses. His mission, dubbed as the 'Diversified Solopreneur,' aimed to achieve success through multiple online ventures rather than relying on a single source of income.

Justin's remarkable results speak for themselves. His interview with James Fleischmann on 28 March 2024 highlights these results.

  • Over 6.7 million in solopreneur business revenue with a 90% profit margin
  • A huge following across various platforms: 550K+ on LinkedIn, 475K+ on X (formally Twitter), and 215K+ weekly newsletter readers
  • His impressions exceeded 600 million over the past four years

What services does Justin Welsh offer?

Justin offers practical guidance and mentorship to individuals interested in internet solopreneurship. His expertise lies in leveraging digital platforms to generate revenue and build a personal brand.

He provides two self-guided courses.

The Operating System Digital Course

120-minute course

This is a 120-minute course with Justin's complete LinkedIn operating system. It covers strategies to grow from 0 to 500K followers and earn over $6.7 million without advertisements.

He markets his course and services primarily on social media platforms. Mainly on LinkedIn and Twitter.

He also uses his newsletters to promote his course to his email list.

This course costs $200 but it's currently on discount. It's now going at $99.

Justin also sells The Content OS Digital Course.

This is an 85-minute course focusing on content creation strategies. It reveals the secrets behind Justin's impressive 600M+ impressions on LinkedIn and Twitter, and building a 200,000+ subscriber newsletter.

All his courses and services are openly received by his audience. Here is what his customers say:

Justin's reviews

And where can you get Justin?

Justin is active on various online platforms, primarily LinkedIn and Twitter.

LinkedIn: With over 582k followers on LinkedIn, he uses it to connect with his audience and promote his solopreneur courses.

X(Twitter): He has over 487k followers on X, which also contributes to his visibility and online presence.

Justin Welsh website: He has a website where individuals can access his courses and contact him for further inquiries.

Instagram: He has over 36k followers on Instagram where he motivates and engages with his audience.

Through his courses and mentorship, Justin empowers new solopreneurs to achieve their business goals.

The Solo Entrepreneurial Journey of Dan Koe

"Dan Koe Instagram"

From a young age, Dan Koe recognized the pervasive dissatisfaction with conventional life paths. This motivated him to embark on an entrepreneurial journey. A decision that would define his unique brand of solo entrepreneurship.

When he went to college at ASU, he was ready to start working on his business ideas. He wanted to make money, without needing a regular job. This was the beginning of his life as a solo entrepreneur.

Like Justin Welsh, Dan offers services that help small business owners. He gives advice and help on how to make a brand strong and grow a business.

He offers online classes and things that make it easier to understand freelancing, using social media to get famous, and how to make good content.

Dan's newest project is a tool called Kortex. It's made to change the way professional writers and creative folks make their work. He also put together lessons that were accessible to Kortex users.

Here are some of Dan's pieces.

  • The Art of Focus Keepsake Edition - This premium package includes a hardcover book, a digital download, and an audiobook. It also has a specially designed planner and coin to enhance focus and intention.
    You can buy this book on Amazon at $30, 25.20, or 14.99 depending on how you want it.
  • Digital Transformation Center - Provides modern entrepreneurship training and a community for networking and support.
  • Consulting and Coaching - Through this, he imparts valuable marketing, sales, and branding strategies tailored to the needs of creators, coaches, and freelancers.

The Art of Focus Amazon reviews

Where can you get Dan?

Dan Koe's digital footprint is as diverse as it is profound. You can get him on,

  • LinkedIn: He has over 135k followers. He uses LinkedIn to engage with his network.
  • X(Twitter): He shares daily posts on his X handle which has over 443k followers.
  • YouTube: His YouTube channel has over 675k subscribers and 161 videos.
  • The Dan Koe website: This website is a nexus of his work. It gives access to his writings and digital downloads.
  • Email list: It offers an intimate channel for communication, where he promotes a direct dialogue with his audience.
  • Instagram: It's his visual storyboard.

Tips for Becoming a Successful Solopreneur

  • Define your vision and goals. What do you want your business to achieve? How will it impact your life and the lives of others? A clear vision will guide your decision-making and motivate you during challenging times.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses. No one is good at everything. Be honest with yourself about your skillset and areas for improvement. This self-awareness will help you focus on developing your strengths and determine when to outsource tasks.
  • Create a business plan. Your plan should include market research, financial projections, and marketing strategies. It will serve as a reference point and help you secure funding.
  • Know your target market. Who are your ideal customers? Understanding their needs and wants helps develop targeted marketing campaigns and irresistible offers.
  • Establish your brand. Your brand is your reputation. Develop a consistent brand identity that reflects your values and resonates with your target market. This includes your logo, color palette, messaging, and overall customer experience.
  • Develop a marketing strategy. How will you reach your target market? Explore various marketing channels, such as social media, content marketing, and email marketing. Track your results and adapt your strategy as needed.
  • Prioritize tasks and time management. Develop effective time management strategies to stay productive and avoid burnout.
  • Continuously learn. Stay ahead of the business curve by continuously learning and developing new skills. Take online courses, attend workshops, and network with other professionals in your field.
  • Outsource when necessary. You don't have to do everything yourself. Delegate or outsource tasks outside your core competencies or take up too much time. This will free you up to focus on high-value activities that drive growth.
  • Never stop networking. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Network with other solopreneurs, industry experts, and potential collaborators.
  • Depending on your niche. You might need to write consistently to get your customers. There are lots of tools out there to help you. But if you need to blog, edyt.ai is your best tool.

The solopreneur path offers endless possibilities for the brave. You can create a fulfilling and profitable business on your own terms by leveraging your unique skills and expertise. Whether you're interested in online reselling or freelance writing, there is something for everyone.

Start small, focus on your strengths, and continuously learn and adapt.

For further reading, check out these resources: