10 Essential Keyword Research Tools for SEO & Content Marketing Success

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Finding the Right Keyword Strategy

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, keyword research stands as the foundation of a successful SEO and content strategy. Google is still considered the most important source to optimize for. We should also consider different strategies depending on the target media channel that we want to meet our audiences in.

How to Conduct Keyword Research?

Key Question: What Are My Customers Typing into The Search Console?

Start by thinking about your target audience. What are they thinking about when they are looking to reach your business? They have a problem, and you have the solution. If you can catch them when they are thinking about their problems, the higher the rate of conversion will be. That's why SEO shows such a high conversion rate!

Keyword research is a process for identifying a list of valuable search terms that your target audience uses. The first goal is to give them the value they are looking for from the search. If they searched for an answer to their problem, you should try your best to give them the answer. This allows Google to see you as a domain authority because the user "seemed" satisfied and stayed on your website for a long enough time.

The next goal is to optimize your content around these terms to improve your visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), thereby attracting more organic traffic to your website. Ranking on top of the search allows you to provide them with value, the answer to one of their questions.

So, start looking around the internet and find your potential customers. What are they talking about the most? What are their concerns? What are some of the terms they use that are not well-known outside their circles of influence? Those might be the best keywords to target.

Short-tail vs Long-tail Keywords

Before we dive in, keywords are categorized into short-tail and long-tail keywords. Short-tail keywords are broad, generic terms consisting of one to two words, such as "shoes" or "coffee," characterized by high search volume and a competitive nature, making them challenging for new or smaller websites to rank for in search engine results.

On the other hand, long-tail keywords are more specific phrases containing three or more words, like "women's waterproof hiking shoes size 8." Though they have lower search volumes, they attract a more targeted audience, are less competitive, and tend to have higher conversion rates due to their specificity. A balanced SEO strategy typically leverages both types of keywords to maximize online visibility and effectively target potential customers at various stages of the search and buying process.

If you've found a good set of keywords, also try to think about how you will be putting your contents together. This is called keyword clustering. But think of it as a way to corner a niche with your set of keywords. If your keyword is waterproof hiking shoes, the cluster of keywords could be related to water, water-resistance, hiking in bad weather, Gore-Tex, Vibram sole, breathability, and lightweight.

Brainstorm your ideas and dive into these tools to confirm and expand.

Keyword Analysis Tools

At EdytAI, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide for solopreneurs, marketers, SEO professionals, and businesses looking to enhance their online presence with SEO and content marketing. So we've aggregated a list of 10 service providers below.

1. SE Ranking:

Photo of SE Ranking Website

SE Ranking stands out as the premier choice for keyword research, offering a multifaceted platform with one of the largest keyword databases in the market. It's celebrated for its exceptional value for money, providing several keyword research tools within a single platform. This tool is particularly advantageous for users seeking a comprehensive suite of SEO tools beyond keyword research, including site auditing and backlink checking.

Pricing: SE Ranking offers a flexible pricing model based on the frequency of ranking checks and the length of the subscription, with plans starting as low as $44.00 per month for the Essential plan when billed annually.

2. Google Keyword Planner:

Photo of Google Keyword Planner Website

Google Keyword Planner remains a fundamental tool for both beginners and seasoned marketers, primarily due to its direct integration with Google Ads. It offers invaluable insights into search volumes and competition levels for keywords, making it a staple in the keyword research process. Its integration with Google Ads campaigns allows for seamless application of research to advertising strategies.

Pricing: Free, but requires a Google Ads account.

3. Semrush:

Photo of Semrush Website

Semrush is a robust tool that caters to a wide range of users, from freelancers to large enterprises. It provides a comprehensive workflow for SEO professionals, including technical SEO audit capabilities, semantic core collection, and competitive intelligence. Semrush's Market Research toolkit is particularly noteworthy, offering market insights and competitor strategy overviews.

Pricing: Plans start at $129.95 per month for the Pro plan, with discounts available for annual billing.

4. Ahrefs:

Photo of Ahrefs Website

Ahrefs is renowned for its powerful backlink analysis tool, but its keyword research capabilities are equally impressive. It offers a vast database of keywords and detailed insights into keyword difficulty, search volume, and SERP analysis. Ahrefs is particularly useful for competitor keyword research, allowing users to uncover the keywords driving traffic to their competitors' sites.

Pricing: Starting at $99 per month for the Lite plan, with discounts for annual subscriptions.

Check out their Free keyword generator.

5. KWFinder:

Photo of KWFinder Website

KWFinder by Mangools is a user-friendly tool designed to help users find keywords with low SEO difficulty. It's praised for its simplicity and effectiveness, making it an excellent choice for beginners and small businesses. KWFinder also provides insights into search trends and competitor keywords.

Pricing: Plans start at $29/month for the Entry plan with limited capabilities, with discounts for annual billing.

6. Moz Keyword Explorer:

Photo of Moz Keyword Explorer Website

Moz Keyword Explorer offers a balance between simplicity and depth, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced marketers. It provides keyword suggestions, SERP analysis, and keyword difficulty scores. Moz's tool is particularly appreciated for its accuracy in search volume data and the insightful Keyword Priority score.

Pricing: Free access with limited queries per month; full access starts at $99 per month for the Standard plan.

7. Soovle:

Photo of Soovle Website

Soovle is a free tool that aggregates keyword suggestions from various sources, including Google, Bing, Amazon, and YouTube. It's an excellent resource for uncovering long-tail keywords and understanding keyword trends across different platforms. Soovle's simplicity and speed make it a great starting point for keyword brainstorming sessions. Just type away what your customers might be searching. You'll get some fresh ideas to work on.

Pricing: Free.

8. Serpstat:

Photo of Serpstat Website

Serpstat is an all-in-one SEO platform that includes a comprehensive keyword research tool. It offers keyword analysis, search volume data, and keyword trend information. Serpstat is particularly useful for its keyword clustering and suggestion features, helping users to organize and prioritize their keyword strategies effectively.

Pricing: Plans start at $59 per month for the individual plan, with discounts for annual subscriptions.

9. SpyFu:

Photo of SpyFu Website

SpyFu is unique in its focus on competitor keyword research. It allows users to see the keywords their competitors have been targeting in Google Ads and organic search. SpyFu is invaluable for businesses looking to understand their competitive landscape and identify new keyword opportunities.

Pricing: Starts at $39 per month for the Basic plan, with discounts for annual billing.

10. Keyword Tool:

Photo of Keyword Tool Website

Keyword Tool uses Google Autocomplete to generate long-tail keyword suggestions. It's praised for its ability to uncover a wide range of keywords related to a seed keyword, providing insights into search volume and competition. Keyword Tool is particularly useful for content marketers and bloggers looking to expand their keyword portfolio.

Pricing: Free for basic features; Pro plans start at $89 per month, with discounts for annual billing.

AI as a research tool for finding keywords

We can ask AI to think about long tail ideas of some of our intended keywords. Another interesting way is to use AI to think through the user journey and spell out how the users might find our product. Here's an example that I ran for eco-friendly home goods online store.

"I run a eco-friendly home goods online store. What would users be typing into the search engine when they are looking for some of my products?" Photo of chat

The list goes on. And they are good, especially if some of these ideas can be implemented, and traffic checks out.

To summarize

1. Start by understanding your audience

Before diving into keyword tools, it's crucial to have a deep understanding of your target audience. This involves identifying their needs, preferences, and the language they use to search for solutions online.

2. Generate keyword ideas

Start by brainstorming a list of topics related to your business. Use the aforementioned websites as well as AI as a research tool to expand this list by discovering related search terms, questions, and long-tail keywords. Think around keyword clusters and create a content schedule.

3. Analyze keyword metrics

For each keyword, consider the following metrics:

  • Search Volume: Indicates the popularity of the keyword.
  • Keyword Difficulty: Estimates how hard it will be to rank for the keyword.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Helps gauge the potential traffic from ranking for the keyword.
  • Intent: Understand whether the keyword has commercial, informational, or navigational intent.

4. Prioritize and select keywords

Based on your analysis, prioritize keywords that have a high search volume, lower difficulty, and align with your business goals. Consider the intent behind each keyword to ensure they match the content you plan to create.

5. Monitor and adapt

Keyword trends can change due to seasonality, competition, and evolving search behaviors. Regularly monitor your keyword performance and be ready to adapt your strategy as needed.

It's an Ongoing Process

The landscape of keyword research tools is diverse, with each tool offering unique strengths tailored to different aspects of SEO and content marketing. From comprehensive platforms like SE Ranking and Semrush to specialized tools like Soovle and SpyFu, the options are vast. When selecting a keyword research tool, consider your specific needs, budget, and the depth of data required. Check out the sites above to get an understanding of the tools they offer. Good luck finding your keywords.

Lastly, here are some other great reads that we came upon as we were doing research on this topic:

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